Saturday, May 28, 2011

Photoshop - Before and Afters

For those of you that know me - you know my obsession - ok obsession this month is photography - and more recently going into photoshop.  Here are some Before and afters.  The Before's are straight out of the camera.  No more words - just photos for now: 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Prop Junkie Challenge

Over at Prop Junkies Facebook page (here) they do an inspiration theme - and this week's inspiration theme is Tea Party.  I am newer to their site and this is my first entry - I can't wait to see what the following weeks bring.

It just so happens that last summer (before I totally got obsessed with photography), I set up a tea party for my girls.  Here are two (of many!) of my favorites:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just a day at the park

I think you'll be seeing more photography from me in the near future - as that is my latest obsession.  Here is this weekend - a day at the park.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Heart Faces - Yellow Challenge

Here is my photo over at I Heart Faces.  The challenge this week is "Yellow".

This is my littlest one.  He thinks he is such a big boy - he is carrying an old Tonka truck.  The yellow just really pops in this picture.

Go head over to I Heart Faces to check out all the other great yellow photo's.

Quick Card Tutorial

I was on my way to a baptism, so I thought I would whip up a quick card.  I didn't have any cute girly type cards.  So here is a quick tutorial on how to make the card.

First I started by measuring an envelop I had, that I wanted to use.  It was 7 1/4 by 5 1/4.

Then I took my paper - I took a full sheet, lined up the long side (11 inch side), along the top, and scored it right down the 5 inch side.  Since the envelope is 5 1/4, this will allow it to fit. Then fold it down so your sheet in half.

Then I went to my trimmer. Then I line it up to the 5 inch mark, and trimmed off the excess from the one side where you scored.

Then score the other side and cut at 7 inches.  Since the other side is the 7 1/4.

Here are your dimensions 5 x 7 (Actual size of the paper is 10 x 7, scored down the 5 inch long side)

Then I wanted an offset color on the front. I cut a 4 1/2 by 6 1/2 inch cream color.

Got my corner chomper and cut it on the 1/2 inch side.

Then I wanted to add a little something, so I went to my ribbon collection.  I cut it slightly longer than the width of the cream paper.

I got my red sticky tape...

Put it on one side of the ribbon....

Then I found a scrap picture of a cute paper, it was about 2 inches wide, and I cut it slightly over the cream paper.

Then I lined it up with the paper and stuck the ribbon on it.

Then I taped it to the cream paper.  (see the over-hang - trim that off)

Here you can see the dimensions - I rounded the corners here too.

I used the Sizzix Flowers Layers #4.  And cut two flowers out (one of two different colors)

I found two buttons, and some floss (is that what it is called...)

Then I cut a piece of the thread, put it in the button - and tied it.

I did this to both of the buttons

Find some glue dots - I use the Zots brand - they are at Joann's and are relatively inexpensive.

Put one on the back of your button.

Line them up on your flower. I drew some lines as stem's on the flowers too.

I found a "celebrate" clear stamp.

Found some brown ink, and the same cream card stock.


Trimmed the paper to be about an inch by an inch and 3/4's

Rounded the corners - this time with a 1/4 inch.

Inked the sides with the same brown as I stamped.

Get some dimensional dots.

I used about 4 - wanted to make sure it was really stuck down there.

It's starting to shape up.

I put the cream onto the purple paper we got earlier.  On the envelope I trimmed some cute paper to fit along the bottom - and stamped some cute baby feet in the top corners.

Here is a close up of the card.

Close up of the envelope.

I wanted to add a little something to the envelope. I took three prima flowers and a pearl.  I took some wire - threaded it through.  Then put some glue dots on the bottom.

Much better - name added - all set!

Because of the purple being so dark.  I wanted the inside to be a lighter color to write a note.
Ten I took an existing bag I had - put a cute gift inside - topped it with the card.  On the front - I took a long tag - stamped her name - tied it on.  But I topped it with a cute hair clip I made - added a little color and extra flair.