Monday, November 28, 2011

Who gets the last donut?!?

So after church I brought home a dozen donuts.  Mikey ate his first.....then his unsuspecting sister left the table for a second, and then Mikey slide over....look at him eyeing that donut....

Then she comes back - Mikey isn't like her trying to get her donut back.

Ok - fine - she can have it - there is one more left in the box......

He is eyeing it - even takes it out.

Then I tell him no - and he tries to eat it through the top.

But - why can't I have it!

I even got him on video getting the donut out - trying to eat it - so I call the husband in - Mikey's eyes get big - throws it in and starts yelling "I put it back - I put it back"...he is too cute - I think I'll keep him!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 21 - Thanksgiving

I am thankful for a day to remind us to give thanks.  There is so much to be thankful for - even if it's just to be alive for today.  I was thankful on Wednesday to be able to watch my oldest in her first performance - she got to introduce the program and she did so great.  They went around saying what they were thankful for - and her's was "My parents" - how cute is she!

So proud of my girl!

And she is a budding artist :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 20 - A Beautiful Niece

This weekend I was thankful for a beautiful niece to take pictures on a beautiful November day (yeah - we don't get those too often - the nice days that is!)

We went to my favorite park - and my brother and his wife brought some adorable hat's :) I think I narrowed it down to about 60 pictures - all in about 45 minutes :) Ha!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 19 - Clickin Moms

I am loving Clickinmoms - I have learned so much.  Even my little man is giving me some pointers.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Trash the Dress

I did a trash the dress with my cousin - it was AMAZING!!!  We had so much fun.  She was such a trooper - it was freezing and she was almost purple by the end - but - there are some amazing pictures.  Instead of me talking - I'll let the images talk for themselves.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 18 - bath time

I am thankful my kids love bath time - makes it so much easier - ok - maybe a little harder to get them out - but better that than not being able to get them in!
ISO 1250, SS 1/50, f/3.0 (with Speedlight) with 40 Macro lens

ISO 800, SS 1/80, f/2.8 (with Speedlight) with 40 Macro lens

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 17 - Education

I am thankful for education.  I am thankful that my daughter is now in Kindergarten and is learning how to read.

Friday, November 18, 2011

White Balance

I am learning a lot through Clickin Moms!  I am taking their Rock Your Camera class.  We are learning about White Balance - check out the difference:

Here is Auto White Balance:

And here is Custom White Balance - or me setting it - WOW - I think I like this MUCH better :)

Day 16 - Creative Minds

I am thankful that all my kids have such creative minds - they would rather color than almost anything.