Saturday, May 12, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Gift

So this week was teacher appreciation week.  I tend to go a little nuts and like to have custom gifts for each of the teachers.  So this year I went to the amazing Ana White for inspiration. And I saw her Wood Magazine Files.

So I went to work in the garage.  I had a lot of plywood left over from when I did Hayden's bed. I got to cutting, I set out to make 6 of them - but ended up with 7 - I don't know how that happened.  

The funny thing is that when I went to finish them - they didn't line up perfectly how I wanted them to. So I ended up putting a different spin on them and covered the whole thing with scrapbook paper.

Brianna ended up bringing three to school - one for her teacher, one for the aide and then her favorite - her gym teacher - we made a special one for him.

Hayden brought two for each teacher to daycare, and so did Mikey. 

Then I whipped up some handmade cards with a little apple and a thank you stamp.  Forgot to take pictures of that.

They are cute and functional - and I had everything on hand!  Even better!