Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Swap

I am participating in Homemaker on a Dime's Blog swap again. What a great idea!

J&J Home - I love her home office space!!!

Over at Seven one Six - I became her 100th follower :) Check out her Apothecary jars - I need to make myself some of these!

Crafty Hearts Warm Homes has this awesome Hutch showing, before, during and after! I need to buy some furniture - shhhh - don't tell my husband!

Can't wait to see what other new BLOGS pop up!


  1. I am your newest follower from Homemaker on a Dime. I also just started participating in iheart faces. So cool. And your new dog is adorable. =)

  2. Hi, I found you through the linky party and am following you! Your little man's mohawk is too cute, love it!

  3. I am a new follower and love your pictures - just beautiful. I will be featuring you on my blog!

  4. Hey there! I followed you over here from the swap part! Love your blog and I'm your new follower. I LOVE your new dog! We have a female golden that is 6 months old.. they are the best dogs!

  5. Just dropping by from the swap party ... and I love your site. Great party theme decor ... great puppy pictures and an adorable baby photo! Hope you'll drop by to visit my site. Nice to meet you. I'm following you!

  6. :) I am so excited you found my blog, so now I can read yours:) Love it! Thanks for following me and giving me a shout out! I am your newest follower!

  7. Hey thanks for the love & following! And you were my 100th follower. That deserves some sort of award or something! hehe. Following back :)

  8. Hey thanks for following me, I'm following you too. :)

  9. I just love that chicken recipe for foil packets, will definitely try that one :) I found you from the Swap Party and am now your latest follower.

  10. Thanks for following, I'm your newest follower too! Lucky number 57!

  11. I'm also a new follower - and posted a link to your blog on my Swap Followings post. :o)
