Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Corkboard

So - I had the kids to bed at a decent hour - and I got to work! I have a lot of chairs and other project being painted. And I saw this frame:

My mom gave it to me a while ago. It's been sitting in my garage. I figured - while I had the spray paint - I am going to spray this too. So I sprayed it a flat black paint, and put a matte clear finish on it.

I went into the basement and found some thin cork - the rolled up kind. And I also had some foam core. I cut the foam core to size - and the cork. I had some scrap fabric left over also. So I cut the fabric about an inch on each size larger.

I took my staple gun and stapled around the corners so it was nice and tight.

I fit it inside the frame, stapled some more - and voila - it's done. It fit's nicely in the kitchen.

The buttons are thumbtacks I made - and the paperclip on the board is something I made too - i'll get to that tutorial later :)

For now - I am beat - I am going to bed. Hope you enjoy!

I totally redid this on January 21st! Check out the new corkboard in this post at the bottom - looks way better...here.

handmade projects  http://linda-coastalcharm.blogspot.com/


  1. The color and polka-dots pop against the red paint! Great use of materials!! Thanks for linking up at WWC!

  2. Super cute! I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. cute... i just redid a cork board but im trying to figure out someway to make cute tacks for it. havent posted yet.

  4. Love it with your red walls!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

