Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chocolate Stuffed French Toast

Do you like Chocolate?  This was kind of my kids creation too!  Chocolate Stuffed French Toast.  Yummy.  Well - 2 of the 5 of us ended up liking it.

First I took a block of cream cheese and softened it.
 Then I added some powdered sugar and Vanilla - how much - ummmm - how much does it look like...I'd say about 2 tsp of Vanilla and 1/4 cup of powdered sugar.
 Then I added some cocoa powder.  I'd say a little less than 1/4 of a cup.
 Beat it up - look at that chocolaty goodness!
 Then - in a separate bowl - beat an egg.
 Add some cream - I don't know measurement - I hope "some" is good enough.
 Sprinkle some Cinnamon (can you tell I don't measure)
 Get your stack of bread, we use a lot.
 Dip one side in the egg mixture (not both)
 I did this two different ways - I put it on the panini maker - yes - again with my panini maker. 
 Then spread the mixture on it.  (I also put the mixture on before I put it on the maker - that worked a little better).
 Per my oldest direction - she wanted chocolate chips in the center too - who am I to argue with that!
 Put the other side on - 1/2 dipped in the egg mixture - with the egg mixture hitting the hot parts of the panini press.  If you notice - I used the regular skillet side - not the panini press side - I didn't want the lines on it - and it worked pretty good.
 Here they are all lined up.

 Then I closed the press - this way I don't have to worry about flipping them.
 Put a little chocolate syrup on it - with a little whip cream (again my daughters suggestion) and you are ready to dig in!

 My middle child wanted sprinkles - so she got sprinkles.

 I am not a big whip cream person - so I just used regular syrup.  It worked for me.
 My little man was one of the ones that liked it.  I think he liked the mess it caused!
 Then my oldest decided to help clean him up - she actually did a pretty good job!
 It was super super super chocolatly!  With that being said - it seems to be more of an adult taste with the cream cheese.  My husband doesn't like cream cheese - so he didn't like it too much.  And even though it was oozing with chocolate - I think it was a little to sophisticaed for my girls.  We ended up making plain french toast for them.  I did however like it - it was REALLy rich.  I mean rich!!!  A nice tall glass of milk - and this ooey gooey chocolatey meal - would go perfect!

Linking to these parties:


  1. It looks amazing, but I just can't eat like that anymore. Almost get a similiar enjoyment from looking. There is a place near me that makes french toast out of crullers. And I thought THAT was decadent!

  2. that looks like heaven in my mouth!

  3. WOW!!! That just looks oh so very fabulous... you combined 2 of my favorite things.... chocolate and french toast.
