Friday, March 18, 2011

Fried Cheerios

I haven't had Fried Cheerios in such a long time. The first time I had them I was probably 5 - at my best friends house.  Still whenever I make them- I think of her (Hi Sheri!)

For starters - grab a pan - and turn on your stove.

Get some butter.  For me - you can never have too much.  I hate when people don't give me an exact amount.  I am going to guess.....2-3 TBS. 

Then let the butter melt.

Then the Garlic Powder or Garlic Salt....This is all I had on hand...I need to go shopping!  I used a few shakes of it - I would guess about 1-2 tsp. 

Dump your cheerio's in the hot butter.  How much...what ever looks good - I'd say about 1-2 cups.  Maybe more. 

Stir them around.

Make sure they are toasted -  you'll see them start to get a little darker - covered in butter - and smelling super garlicky!!  MMmmmm

You can see it start to brown a little.

Seriously good stuff here!

Then dish them up - and you are good to go!

Linking up to:


  1. Seriously, this is my favorite snack ever! You are the only other person in this world who know what they are. Now I need to go and buy some cheerios :) Yum!

  2. wow - ive never even thought you could do that with cheerios - wont tell my hubby! Scarlett x

  3. Wow...brings back the memories!!! One of my favorite snacks as a kid. We should get together and them them again some time! ~Sheri

  4. wow! I never thought to do that - but I am ALWAYS a fan of frying lol... thanks for the tutorial!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  5. Well, I guess we're having fried cheerios tonite because my son saw your thumbnail and DEMANDED to have a look see! He's jumping up and down in his chair wanting this pronto! LOL

    Actually, this is very clever... may have to really give this a whirl, it's certainly easy enough! And from a non cook, that's a good thing. :)


  6. My Mom used to do these for my sister and myself - over 50 years ago! Thanks for bringing back memories!

  7. I have never heard of fried cheerios before. Sounds like a winner!


  8. Wow, what a fun recipe! Do they end up tasting kind of like the Chex mix? I'm curious...may have to try this out!

  9. I seriously had never heard of this but since everyone who has is raving about them, I will need to give these a try for sure! Thank you so much for linking up to Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence!


  10. This sounds delicious! I would have never thought of doing this! Can't wait to try it, just wish I had Cheerio's in my pantry now!
