Friday, March 11, 2011

"I'm not scared"

I was watching my oldest (you know the whole 4.5 years she is), and have been amazed lately while really observing her.  Children have an unbelievable “I’m not scared” attitude.  What I mean by that is – they are fearless.  Yes they are afraid of the dark and monsters.  But aside from that….

Driving home from work with the 3 kids in the back – Bean’s started telling me a story – she went on and on – and you could tell her brain was just spinning, and she got so excited….Then she broke into singing song – she asked me to give her a song – I would say “Row Row Row your boat”, and she would make up new words; then onto the next song.  “Mommy more”

I ask you – when was the last time you sat and made up a story – not being afraid of what people would think.  Thought outside of the box? When a child looks at a piece of paper – they see endless possibilities, I find that blank piece of paper intimidating.

My younger daughter – Hayhay – the other night insisted on us baking “cookies”.  I was cleaning the kitchen – so I let her have at the Tupperware cabinet.  Where she pulled out the ice cube trays (her eggs), got out a mixing bowl, spoons, and got to work on her cookies.  “Mommy – careful they are hot”.  I continue cleaning my kitchen, oblivious to how incredibly cute she was.  Finally – she called me over to “eat”.  After the 3rd time of her calling me with sadness in her voice I stopped, what was I doing?  I was cleaning instead of sharing with my daughter.  I went over to the chair she pulled out for me.  She looks at me “Let’s sing Happy Birthday”, so we sang and “ate” our food.  The happiness radiating off of her was incredible! At first I felt so incredibly silly.  Scared about how I looked “pretending” like I was a child.  This now is such a fond memory for me – the big smile on her face and having endless “cookies” with Mommy.

I ask you – when was the last time you just watched your child pretend and really absorbed the imagination they have, and then pretended yourself.  How can you bring back that imagination into your world again?  What are you scared of?

Ahhh – my little man….just about 17 months (I think – I lose track with the 3rd).  Wide eyed – that’s the best way to explain it.  Everything is a new discovery.  We just switched him over to a “big boy bed” after he insisted on climbing out of his crib (see here).  That freedom – he isn’t scared.  He has a little basket of toys.  He walked over – grabbed a book – walked across the room like he owned the place, sat down – opened it (upside down), and was so proud of himself!  I woke up this morning to find him sitting in that big bed – looking at me like – yup – I am a big boy!  He owns his room (he walks around like he owns the world – but that’s another story).

My last question for you – when was the last time you walked with your head tall like you owned something?  When was the last time you took pleasure in the small little nuances in your day and discovered something new?

Kids truly dance like no one is watching.  They are carefree, not jaded by “society”.  They have a passion to learn and to ever improve.  When did we as adults lose that?

So that brings me here.  (If you are still reading – I appreciate you reading my ramblings)

As I sit here and look at my blog, I start to ask myself the question I am sure most people do….what do I want from this?  What do I want it to be to me, and what do I want people to get from it?  

I have a feeling it will be ever evolving.  I see so many unbelievable websites that I gather inspiration from.  They range from Ana White and her beautiful building, The Pioneer Woman – and well – everything she does, cooking, photography, life, being a mother, I Heart Faces – unreal photography, Remodelaholic – showing some awesome DIY, How Does She….I could go on for days.  I enjoy a little of everything.

I want to be that website that has all things that I love; DIY, building, photography, motherhood, family, random facts, life.  I am an expert in no field – trust me.  It’s the “Jack of all trades, master of none”, that’s me – and I am getting to be comfortable with that.

I want to grow as a person.  I want to be a better mother, wife, photographer, crafter, DIY’er.  I want every post to help me get there, and maybe give you little nuggets of inspiration along the way.


  1. That was simply beautiful.
    My son who just turned 18 months yesterday is sleeping on the couch with his arms spread wide just like a little angel. I enjoy ramblings, perhaps that is how we as adults express oursevles without contraints of rules and function.
    Enjoy your angels and before you know you'll be invited to mudpie parties :)

  2. I think you wrote today's post for me. Thank You

  3. Such a great post. I agree completely. I thought similar things the past few days watching my two year old embrace life. He just goes with and excited over the little things. Such a powerful reminder to focus on the things that REALLY matter.

  4. What a lovely post, thank you for sharing it. Even thought I don't have kids, I can really relate. I am constantly surprised by my blog content and what I am inspired to write - and the amazing friends I have made through it. We are all taught to be scared of the internet - the Craigslist Killer, other nasty and horrible stories - and yet in the past few days, I've seen the internet (and a great group of girls) band together to help get a friend a surgery she needs. Life is just amazing sometimes.

  5. Kids are amazing. We can learn so much from watching how they approach things. This is an amazing post. I love some of the same blogs you do. I am always trying to improve my blog and make it a place that others will enjoy "visiting".

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for your sweet comment.


  6. So true about kids! I was one of them for sure. Funny though, once I became a Mom, fear became my middle name!
    As for your blog, you sound like me in the fact you want your blog to be a little bit about everything in life. That is the way mine is, and I would not change it. I share family fun times, special moments, a recipe, a craft a flop, you name it. Just have fun and make it your own.
    Thanks for joining my newbie party.

  7. What a great blog. Being the mother of a wonderfully creative and imaginative five year old girl, I know exactly what you are saying. I have always said to my friends when they are pregnant, "now you are going to learn to laugh at yourself". Not only do you see yourself in your child and the little things they do that are soooooo you, but you also get to do those rediculously stupid and self conscious things that they do with them and feel great doing them.

    Wonderful, I'm a new fan.


  8. Carrie, you are an amazing person! I am so proud of you. So many people forget what is truly important in the world, and stop to take the time to see it.. So many people live in this crazy busy world where they "have no time to.." it blows my mind. We need to remember what is really important.. and take the time to enjoy it... The dishes, the laundry, the stuff... who cares!!! It will all still be there.. The memories you can create are way more important than anything else!! They are forever.. and no one can ever take that away from you!.. Stuff is just stuff, and things are just things, but memories are FOREVER!!!
    Keep rambling Carrie.. I love it!!
