Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day

So this Mothers Day I asked my mom if she wanted to spend the day with me and my girls.  We went to the movies and then I took her to the cemetery to see her mother.

This is one of my favorite pictures from our trip to her grave.

This is the same picture - just processed a little different.
 This isn't my grandmothers site - but this is my oldest stopping to take a look. This is their first trip to a cemetery.

This is my mom showing her what everything on the stone means.

 This is all three of them getting the flowers ready.  Pink from the girls, and orange from Mikey.

I love this shot - how you can't see my daughter - but you see she's there. 

This is one of my favorites too.  I love how it's her profile, and she almost looks like she is deep in thought praying.  I don't often see her still - so this is very peaceful for me to see. 
 My oldest is slightly OCD - she was very particular about where the flowers had to go, anytime Hayden touched them she would freak out.  Pinks on the outside - and the greenery and orange one in the center.

I love the smile on my mom's face here as she sees her granddaughter with her mother.
 You can see her determination in her eye's as she gets the flowers just right.
 I love how this one turned out - placing the flowers down, and the slightly darker and soft processing shows the special moment it was.
 Love the black and white on this one.

I feel great going to see her with all the girls - this shot makes me happy and sad - all at the same time.

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