Thursday, June 30, 2011


There is something so beautiful about photography to me.  As I am diving deeper into my passion of photography and learning and absorbing, I am seeing my pictures transitioning from snap-shots to art.  I am seeing freezing an image into creating a moment to remember and capturing all the emotion that goes with it.

Here are some images over the past week or two, and a little bit about why I love them:

This is a picture of my oldest, she just celebrated her 5th birthday.  This to me is bright and beautiful, just like her.  I love the crispness of this shot and the bright colors.

Ahhh - my little man.  This one just makes me laugh.  He is so expressive, has so much emotion, and is all boy - I think looking at this - it just sums that up!

My oldest again.  I love the capture in this one.  I have been working hard at capturing the emotions in the eyes - and I think this one works.  Her eyes are so crisp and clear - and I love that you can see her hand pose in her eyes, and the intensity.

I think this one is one of my favorites.  I don't know what it is about it.  It's artsy and so Hay (my daughter).  For those of you who know Hayhay - you will agree.  There is passion and intensity in her pose, her expression, it's intense - like her.

Another of Hay - I kind of love that she hardly ever looks at me when I have my camera out.  It's her.  She always has a far off look in her eyes, a free spirt.  And - she is always riding around on her Lil' Quad.  I love how the red brick pops, yet blends with the picture.

Bri - she is my little poser - and not a poser in the bad way.  Poser as in - I grab my camera and she knows exactly what to do.  She always has such striking poses.

Another one of Hay.  You can tell when she is smiling and looking at the camera that it is real emotion.  She is so raw.  Such joy.

 Another one of Hay - she just captivated me on this day.  This makes me smile because of her soft expression - but more so - what she was smiling at.  Her father had striped my little man down and was hosing him down - quite the site - and yes - I have pictures of that as well.  Probably not one that he would want me to post.  So we won't go there.

Ok - my little man - he is all boy - have I mentioned he is all boy!  Rough and tumble - just - well - boy!!!  This picture captures the rock in roll in him and the boy.  From his mohawk to his rockin retro ACDC t-shirt.  The intensity (I used that word a lot today) in his expression and that determined look I see all the time.  Love it!

This is my favorite of the three together.  It shows their personalities, their closeness, their beauty. 

If you couldn't tell - this puts my two passions together - photography and my children.  Capturing moments and everyday beauty.


  1. Love it Carrie.. All of it.. I am so jealous that you have the digital camera and young children.. I had a 35mm, and could only afford one roll of film a month.... BOO.. I love your photos and your family... keep up the excellent work!!!!! LOVE< LOVE< LOVE!!!

  2. I love the pictures. Photography is the same for me, I love to capture that moment when nobody knows you are taking it. They always seem to be the best one.
