Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chillin' in the Kitchen

So, when you are only making pancakes for dinner - it allows the kids to play a little more and me to get some good pictures!

So this is what Mike does while getting ready for dinner.

I like this picture - Mikey is almost 2 - don't you love how at this age they kneel down like this.  That perfect posture.  He loves going in the kids cupboard and getting everything out.

Everything out!!!!

He also loves to color. And as he is starting to talk - he'll ask for "paper".

This is probably one of my favorite from tonight.  Very "life at my house".

So representative of where he is right now.  Feet hanging over the edge, just being a little boy.

Yes - that is chalk he is putting on his head - at least it's still in the wrapper.

Then we get to the actual eating of the pancakes.

Mike "More please" - Man those kids can house pancakes!

Then the oldest making sure everything is clean.

I really like capturing our day to day life - it makes me happy.

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