Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shutter Speed at the Fair

We went to the fair today - and I had way to much fun playing with my camera - go figure!

Here after the girls were done on the swings - I took some pictures at different shutter speeds:

Photo 1: taken at 1/30 sec at f/22

 Photo 2: taken at 1/50 sec at f/22

Photo 3: taken at 1/80 sec at f/22

Photo 4: taken at 1/125 sec at f/14

Photo 5: taken at 1/200 sec at f/11

Photo 6: taken at 1/1000 sec at f/5

Photo 7: taken at 1/2000 sec at f/3.5

Then I played with my oldest on spinning rides - panning on a slow shutter speed.  
This one was at 1/40 sec and f/11, ISO 100, at 55mm

This one was on a different ride - and I think my favorite of the day.
Taken at 1/30 sec, f/13, ISO 320, 75mm

You never know when will be a good learning experience - get out your camera - take it off of auto and have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those last two shots of your daughter on the rides are just fabulous! So glad you're taking lots of photos as you'll appreciate them more and more in the years to come.
