Monday, September 5, 2011

Flora Bella Actions

I recently purchased some Flora Bella Actions.  If you love photography, and photoshop, and if you haven't checked them out - please - go - now!  Well - read the rest of my post - then go :)

Here are some images that I finished editing last night with her LuxeII collection.

The first ones were mainly Tea Time - I did tweak the sliders and adjust a few other - but - the action made the photos!  All of them were shot with my 50mm prime.

SS 1/6400, F/2.8, ISO 320

SS 1/1000, F/2.0, ISO 100

SS 1/1000, F/2.0, ISO 100

SS 1/1000, F/2.0, ISO 100

SS 1/1000, F/2.0, ISO 100

This is one of my favorite of my Hay...such sweet and angelic, with a hint of mischief - which is SO Hay.  And - I am finally figuring out the exposure thing, and how it can make such a difference in the quality of the picture!
SS 1/1250, F/2.0, ISO 100

These were her B/W Blush Action.  Again - I tweaked some here and there and added some other slight adjustments - but - this currently is my favorite black and white change!
SS 1/6400, F/2.8, ISO 320

I love the Bokeh in this image.  I am learning the sweet spot of my new 50mm lens - she really stands out!  Love it - love that blur!
SS 1/2000, F/2.2, ISO 250 Shot with my 50mm 

Ok - now that you have finished reading the post - go check out Flora Bella!!!  I am already planning the next purchase (shhhh - don't tell my husband!)

1 comment:

  1. You take gorgeous pictures! And the children are beautiful!
