Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Well - it's my turn - here is one of our pumpkin adventures!

They earned some candy while we got there - I think it was for good behavior.

I have one similar to these last year - except - Mikey wasn't big enough to walk down with his sisters - love it!

He found a caterpillar.

And here it is.

Love this - it's so Hay!!!  That big silly grin!

And then there is this face!

Look - I'm in another picture!

Who me?

I couldn't drag this girl away from the pumpkins! 

Then they got Ice Cream for doing so well at the pumpkin farm!

Days like this make me happy :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Train and my new lens

Mikey got a new train set today in the mail today for his birthday - and I got my new 35mm lens - ahhh - beautiful!  We both got to play!!!

This boy had so much fun! It's his first train set from his awesome Aunt Jamie!

Up the hill....and down the hill....

He even tried the train cars on a puzzle, it didn't work as well as the track.

I loved him pushing the train through the tunnel. 

I love him laying down and playing - such a little kid....I love him.

And then I had an awesome time playing with the lens!!!!


I love the expression - it's his choo choo train noise. 

I had fun playing with different perspectives.

This lens is SWEET - I do realize my next lens will be a macro - I want some yummy close up shots.

Through the tunnel again.

I think this is one of my favorite one from the evening - it speaks so loudly to little boys.

Yup - then he had enough of the train - and on to the TV...he loves "DEEEEGO" (Diego)

Another fun day to remember - day's I never want to forget!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Birthday Boy

Well - it was my little man's birthday this week.  He is a whole 2 years old - I can't believe it!  He's so cute - when you ask him how old he is he goes "Teeeewwwwwww"  Love it.

We went to a new Pizza place that does brick oven pizza's- yummo!  And yup - totally brought the big dog camera in there.  

Then after his bath - he got to play with all his new vehicles - it's moments like that that make me smile at my 2-year old son - I want to remember these moments - because this is what childhood should be.

A boy lost in his vehicles.

Carrying around the tote I made him for Easter with all his vehicles.  Saying "Heaby" - no I didn't spell it wrong - that's the way he pronounces it - and I always want to be able to hear that.

Pushing his big vehicles down the hallway.

Running at me with full excitement.

He is so different than my girls....he is all boy.  Trucks, trains and animals - it's what he loves - and I love him for that.