Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Well - it's my turn - here is one of our pumpkin adventures!

They earned some candy while we got there - I think it was for good behavior.

I have one similar to these last year - except - Mikey wasn't big enough to walk down with his sisters - love it!

He found a caterpillar.

And here it is.

Love this - it's so Hay!!!  That big silly grin!

And then there is this face!

Look - I'm in another picture!

Who me?

I couldn't drag this girl away from the pumpkins! 

Then they got Ice Cream for doing so well at the pumpkin farm!

Days like this make me happy :)


  1. These are beautiful! I love the ones of all three of them holding hands. I'm glad you all had such a good time.

  2. Love your pictures and all the bright colors. And your photo of Hay with her big silly grin is really priceless. So pure and sweet. Great post!

  3. So many great shots-it looks like it was so much fun!

  4. Oh my look at all those pumpkins!!! It looks like so much fun, love the ice cream one!!!

  5. Carrie, these ARE SO GOOD! I love, love, love that FARM. Now, THAT is a pumpkin farm! LOL. Puts ours to shame, darn city slickers! Ha!

    Love the walking shot from behind and Hay's BIG OLE grin - great composition. All of these are just precious. It really does look like GREAT day.

  6. What great shots you got! I especially love the close up and the back shots. Great job you did!!

  7. I also like the shot of the three of them holding hands -- those moments don't come along very often.
