Saturday, October 8, 2011

Backlighting and new location

I was playing with backlighting today:

I actually got infront of the camera too!

And - I found a new location - it is so close to my house - who knew!


  1. Your backlighting is to die for in those first two shots!! Her blonde locks are just perfect for catching those rays... so lovely. It's always exciting to find a new location, especially when it's around the corner!! Beautiful!!

  2. Love that backlighting! I'm just starting to experiment with that myself. Beautiful header photos!!

  3. Love that backlighting! I'm taking NL: 101 right now and that's the lesson for this week, and I have yet to do it! The photo with you and your daughter is the editing!

  4. Excellent work! I love the one of both of you. The bokeh is fabulous.

  5. Love the pp on the first two pics! Lovely!

  6. Love the warmth in these photos, beautiful job with the backlighting!!! Good on you for getting in front of the camera too ;)
