Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dog's like pictures too

So - you have seen by now that I am a bit obsessive with pictures.  Well - for my husbands birthday we went out on a doggie playdate - with our Golden "puppy" and 4 of his brothers.

And so the trip begins - 5 of the brothers. 

Boys will be boys - they sure love the water.

Yeah - they are only 11 months old - big boys!

Off to the lake!

A gentle tap.

Trying to get 5 puppies together in one frame - very difficult - almost got it.

A dog and his sticks!

Getting closer with all 5....not bad.

That is one big stick!

I love seeing pictures like this - makes me smile!

Love this perspective - a brother watching his other brothers....one of my favorites.

Sorry for so many pictures - but - I had a hard time narrowing it down from the 1400 I took that day...and nope - that isn't exaggerating! 


  1. Carrie, this must have been so fun watching these boys be reunited for a day!! You definitely made us feel like we were right there with the pups in the middle of the wet fun!! Love these!! <3

  2. Looks like they had fun getting together! Love how you captured them from the different perspectives!

  3. I love these! They just look like the sweetest dogs ever!!

  4. These made me smile too! I love golden retrievers and you have some very endearing pictures here! I think you did a great job of capturing their antics.

  5. These are wonderful! You got some beautiful photos and what a happy sight! It looks like EVERYBODY had a great time!

  6. I love, love, LOVE these shots! My 2 yr old lab/golden mix came from a litter of 13 pups...we had a reunion for their 1st birthday and it was hilarious to see all of them together again (well, there was 7 of the siblings).
