Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 8 - New ventures

I have been thinking a lot about my photography journey lately.  Trying to figure out when the obsession - or should I say passion - started.  When that desire to learn and explore began.  I can trace it back to January 9th, 2011.  To this picture:

I am thankful for this picture - because as soon as I hit the shutter - I felt "it".  That feeling of capturing exactly what I was seeing, capturing the day, the moment.  I realized the importance of light, colors, what a difference a second made. This was an accident - I couldn't have painted it any clearer if it was intentional.  When I saw it on my computer - at that instance I knew that I wanted to learn how to capture more moments - deliberately.  So I dove head first into my passion. Though there is a lot technically wrong with this picture - it will always remain one of my favorites, and I wouldn't change a thing about it.  This marked my first step in my journey.


  1. I know exactly what you mean! There is they gasp when you see it. Amazing feeling and that is a fabulous first photograph!

  2. Don't step into that "technically" wrong craze.. There are NO rules in what art or photography has to look like.. That is why it is ART!! When you look too far into it, you MISS those moments.. that is my opinion..

  3. I love this. Your pictures are amazing. Keep it up :)

  4. Really nice picture. Love the red cheeks. Hope you are enjoying your 30 days of gratitude. Its a challenge for me to get out there and do my posts every day, but Its going to be great to look back on.

  5. Oh I love the story behind this shot! The colors are beautiful and I love her expression :)

  6. What a cute picture! You can feel her joy!

  7. I don't think there is really anything technically wrong with this pic, I love it!!! You have captured such wonderful expression and emotion and I love the composition!

  8. he he he...this is a great capture. She is so the bokeh too!
