Thursday, December 29, 2011

My new Christmas Present!

For Christmas I got a fun new studio setup!  A stand, some seamless paper, a light stand and an umbrella. It came yesterday as I was walking out the door for a party - today I was home with three wild and crazy kids getting ready for a dinner party - but there was a 20 minute window where I got it set up and was able to get a few pictures of my girls :)  I can't wait to play some more!!!

It was funny - my middle child wanted NOTHING to do with this - she kept saying - I want to watch Backyardigans.  And my oldest kept saying - can I see the pictures now.  I think I got a few good ones though :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Project 365 - Day 29-35

Day 29 - First SnowFall

Day 30 - CHEESE

Day 31 - This - I need this!

Day 32 - Raise your hand if you believe in Santa

Day 33 - Volunteer cleaning

Day 34 - What!

Day 35 - Snuggled with my kiddos

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Project 365 - Day 22-28

Day 22 - Santa!

Day 23 - Beauty

Day 24 - Done decorating

Day 25 - Homework time

Day 26 - together time

Day 27 - twinkle

Day 28 - Reading time

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Two years later

I took the little ones to the library because I was off from work.  Mikey was insane - but it was fun. Lately I have been trying to re-catalog all my pictures from over the years - So I was going through 2008, and I stumbled upon pictures that were taken December 23rd, 2008.  What a difference two years makes!

Here is my Hayden!

And my little man - wow!

I can't believe this was two years ago!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Project 365 - Days 15-21

Day 15 - First tree up

Day 16 - Sneak attack of the donut man

Day 17 - Learning to tie

Day 18 - Perplexed

Day 19 - I needed this

Day 20 - Spellbound

Day 21 - Our day out - perfection

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Poor Baby

My little man got scratched in the eye today :( pretty bad too.  I love that he is able to rat on the kids that do it - it makes me laugh.  Because of that - I found out he is a rat!  They said that if a kid does something to another kid - he runs and says "So and So did it".

Look at those teary eyes.  He kept saying Owie - Kiss it.  I love that boy.

So - after having to load and unload the kids because the prescription wasn't ready - and we had to go back, knowing it's going to be a pricey ordeal - I needed this.  I processed them all with Florabella - I put the action underneath the picture.  They were all taken with my 35mm, 100 ISO, 1/4 SS, f/2.0 on a tri-pod.
Rich Vintage



Vintage Chocolate 

I couldn't decide which one I liked more - so I kept them all.

Project 365 - Day 8-14

Day 8 - Birthday Puppy - 1 year

Day 9 - Playtime

Day 10 - Yup - that's rice in my hair

Day 11 - Best dinner (cereal) ever

Day 12 - Proud of my girl!

Day 13 - Nothing stands in her way

Day 14 - Big Helper

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Because I want to remember

Today I am posting because it's days like this I want to remember.

I want to remember Mikey's love for his train set. Where he could spend all his free time taking trains and cars to the track. 

Ahhh - My middle child - Hay - need I say more - this picture pretty well describes her!

I love this one.  Our shake n' go cars, next to our Little People Baby Jesus and Mother Mary.  I love the expression and processing of this image.

The sweet innocence that still surrounds my oldest.

Them wanting to take pictures like Mommy. 

That instant gratification of the picture on the back of the screen.

I hope they continue their love of photography!