Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Poor Baby

My little man got scratched in the eye today :( pretty bad too.  I love that he is able to rat on the kids that do it - it makes me laugh.  Because of that - I found out he is a rat!  They said that if a kid does something to another kid - he runs and says "So and So did it".

Look at those teary eyes.  He kept saying Owie - Kiss it.  I love that boy.

So - after having to load and unload the kids because the prescription wasn't ready - and we had to go back, knowing it's going to be a pricey ordeal - I needed this.  I processed them all with Florabella - I put the action underneath the picture.  They were all taken with my 35mm, 100 ISO, 1/4 SS, f/2.0 on a tri-pod.
Rich Vintage



Vintage Chocolate 

I couldn't decide which one I liked more - so I kept them all.

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