Saturday, January 7, 2012

Girl time

This year I am going to try and document more for me.  I have been loving exploring photography, and I want this to help me preserve the memories.  Also - I want to try and focus more on my family - so tonight we did girl time when MP was in bed - we got out Barbies and our magnetic dolls.

My Hay - she get's so intense about things.

Bean - getting ready to open a Barbie.

She was so excited that she could use her scissors from her new art set - too bad they didn't work.

I don't know why - but I love capturing my kiddo's feet.

Just like her mommy - trying to hoard all the pieces.

She got so into brushing the Barbies hair.

Time to pick out our book for bed!

I set up the camera on a dresser - got the remote - and got in a few myself.  The girls didn't even know I was taking their picture.

Side note for those photographers out there - I didn't use any flash - this was all at 8pm so it was dark outside.  I don't think I shot below a 6400 ISO (1/60 @ 2.2). On the last one I wanted to up the f/stop and shutter speed a little - so I shot at 8000 ISO, 1/100, f/2.8)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a good time and you got some great pictures.
