Friday, January 20, 2012

Project 365 Day 51-55

51/365 by Carrie Callahan Photography
51/365, a photo by Carrie Callahan Photography on Flickr.
We were waiting for my husband to get out of the store - and I was loving the light coming in from the windshield!

52/365 by Carrie Callahan Photography
52/365, a photo by Carrie Callahan Photography on Flickr.
A mini accomplishment - getting blinds hung in my kitchen - I love the lines!

53/365, a photo by Carrie Callahan Photography on Flickr.
This is my Hay putting her shoes away when we get home from school.

54/365, a photo by Carrie Callahan Photography on Flickr.
Trying to get in front of the camera more with my kids.  I set up the tripod and randomly shot some pics.

55/365, a photo by Carrie Callahan Photography on Flickr.
Whenever I see this pictures it makes me sad.  He was so sick - temp at 104 for three days - just curled up in my bed.

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