Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Project 365 Day 66-75

Day 66
Good day of just playing - Hay playing with the toys her mommy makes.

Day 67
I love this shot - don't know why - but - I love it.

Day 68
Hayden entranced.

Day 69
It makes me so happy to see the kids sitting on the table I built.

Day 70
I am doing a 30 day challenge - and the first day was a self portrait.  I set up my lights and played around.

Day 71
Our Zone Doggie

Day 72
This was also part of the 30 day challenge - clouds - I had to wait till sun set to see an

Day 73
Again - part of the challenge - something Green. 

Day 74
My HayHay first thing in the morning as she is waking up.  I could just squeeze her!

Day 75
Another challenge one - low angle - this is another one of Zone.  It shows her character a lot.  

So excited - I am 75 days in - and haven't missed a day!  I think I am all caught up here - I am going to try and post once a day.

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