Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Back to Blogging

It's been a real long time, and needless to say - we have been through a lot.  I am still working up the nerve to blog about it.

But - in the mean time, I want to blog more. I want to be able to look back and see what my kids did each day - and watch my photography grow.  I have been doing a project 365 for over a year now - ok, I would be going into my 2nd 365, where I take a picture a day.  I want to start blogging them.

This one was a few days ago - but I love:

Here is my SOOC:
1/250 sec @ f/2.0, ISO 5000

And my edit. I think it looks better with less toys :) I ran a Florabella Action - LOVE HER!  It was from her ColorPlay set - Subtle Color - used the B/W, with minor tweaks.  Then of course I cloned out and fixed my playroom floor :)

I just got a new camera (Nikon D700), and realized I didn't read the manual - it's slightly different than the D7000.  And I found the settings I wanted. I was very excited!

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