Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Breakfast for dinner

Ahh - my favorite thing is Breakfast for dinner.  We do it a few times a week...yeah - that's just how we roll.

We had egg/omelet style meal this time.

So for me - I love veggies.  I got a little bit of everything!

 Heat up some oil in a pan.
 Then start chopping some veggies. I had some leftover Broccoli.

Then I had some tomato's, onions, mushrooms, green peppers, broccoli.

Head it all up in the oil - get them nice and tender.

I love bacon....

Crack some egg's and scrambel them up.

OK - here is my fail.  I wanted to make an omelet. So I had a hot pan, oil, put the eggs in - made sure they were done enough. before I added the veggies to flip.

So - for my hubby - I added pepper jack cheese for him.

Bacon is almost done.

Add the veggies ( that were already cooked before)

And - it turns out more like scrambled eggs with veggies.  But - still yummy all the same - and packed with vegetables. 

For mine I added goat cheese - I am in love with that stuff!

My poor attempt at "flipping" an omelet.

Again - didn't turn out how I wanted.

But - piles high of veggies!

Served with a side of bacon and English Muffin.  I couldn't eat the whole thing - but man was it good.  And the kids enjoyed them too.

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