Sunday, March 27, 2011

Craft Room Re-do - Part 1

Ready for my craft room transformation?  I'll do this in a few phases - because I am not done with part of the room.  So we will start with the work bench.   HORRIBLE huh - embarrassing - yes...can I believe I am putting this on line - no...but I am - it's cleansing - right :)

Then the first step was to get all the junk out of there - good thing I have two workers that work for Chocolate Milk and M&M's. 

We even did it right and scrubbed it before we painted.  By we - I mean my girls :) 

After the Cleaning - we got painting.  I didn't want the girls to touch primer - because it's nasty I let Hay get some of the acrylic paints - and she went to town....

Then I primed everything. 

There was this little un-used space at the end of the table where the 2x4's met.  I didn't want it to go wasted.  So I found a board, and I found a piece of drywall.  I try to find things that I don't have to use the table saw.  So the drywall I cut with a utlilty knife.  And the board - I used the miter saw - thankfull it was big enough.

Then I primed it - yeah - would have been easier to paint it before I jammed it in there.

And - it turned out great! I bought hinges - and when you open it - it stores all my stamps!  My daughter got all the stamps and lined them up nicely for me.  Sadly - they don't all fit - but - it works for the ones that fit in there!

Then going on the other side - I have a wrapping station.  Truth be told - I had it in the middle of the longer side of the table, and my husband told me it looked stupid.  Thankfully - he was truthful, it looks way better where it is now.

I still have to paint the top again - paint the knobs - and hang a door over the open spots in the middle. 

But - the part I am the most proud of are the drawers.  Remember how it was just open.  I drew out plans and built everything myself!!!  I added a 2nd tier to hold the drawers - spacers, supports and 12 drawers!!!!  I took Friday off from work and got building- I loved every minute of it.  I used the miter saw right on top of the bench - it took me about 5 hours to build everything. 

I am happy with it!  And - it makes me happy when I look at it knowing that I built it myself.  There are so many women bloggers out there by following them and reading what they have done, that they gave me the confidence to do it myself.  This is the first time I didn't just follow a plan, that I made a plan - built it - and it worked! 

So - I went from this - to this:

More to come on the other sides.  I have the kids craft area (here), the main crafting area - and my big work table left.  Yes - I have officially taken over the basement!  At least I am trying to make it look prettier now :)

Linking up here:


  1. Oh, my! I can't imagine having this much space in which to spread out and create! What a great space! It's looking great!

  2. Wow, that is incredible-what a transformation! That is a great area. Your little helpers did a great job too!

    I am actually having a little impromptu cleaning link up at my blog if you want to join in? Your ideas would be very welcome!

    Best wishes,

  3. Unbelievable transformation... it looks so organized and beautiul now... In fact you put a lot of effort and its the sweet fruit of it ... very lovely and inspirational
    Hope you love to play with colours and flowers? Please visit me at

  4. You did a fantastic job. You should be so proud of yourself.

  5. Perfect and I love how you made it work in the space you had. Looks like a millions bucks without the "look what you can do for ONLY $10k price tag!"

    Great blog. Looking forward to following you for more!

  6. Awesome! I love the little stamp cubby you made and the drawers! The drawers are great. I hope you'll do a post just about how you divided up the area put in the spacers, glides...the how and why of it all. That would be really helpful to others thinking that this looks like could be something they could tackle too! Great job!

  7. Looks great! I bet it feels wonderful to work in!

  8. WOw you did a GREAT job! Looks like a whole different space! I have a closet craft room that I am trying to revamp. You just gave me some great ideas!! :)

  9. What an amazing change! That's so neat that you built it all yourself! Great job!

  10. Wow such an accomplishment to make that yourself! Way cool! Love the stamp storage!

  11. What a difference! I am most impressed with you making drawers - by yourself!

  12. I am so jealous! Fantastic job!

  13. Found you from Skip To My Lou...

    What a transformation! I am hoping to do the same thing to my craft room this year...

  14. That looks great! I'm going to have to 'lift' some of those ideas for my basement craft room :)

  15. That's such a great transformation! I'm really impressed. I've done the same thing (read a lot of blogs and gotten inspiration) but I have yet to tackle a bigger project like that. Maybe over the summer?!?!?!

  16. Awesome job, I can't believe you made those drawers yourself, how brave! I've been all about girl power with my craft room remodel too!

  17. Wow! way to update a space to make it beautiful & functional!

  18. Wow, this is great! Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas.

  19. that looks amazing! you made a very creative and inspiring space out of an icky kind of area. beautiful!

  20. It looks great. You really did a good job.

  21. What a wonderful space to work in! I'm so jealous.

  22. GREAT JOB! I love that your little one was in there helping out, too! :-)
    I have big plans for a craft space ... I just wish someone else would come do it for me! haha :)~

  23. hiya visiting from bcd show and tell and your newest follower x wow wow wow what a transformation x , love the changes you made to it , love the wrapping station and the stamps socool that youdid not waste an inch of space oh and i see you have your priorities sorted a day off work to work on your craft space , you are so my kinda woman lol pat yourself on the back well done (oops fogot to mention your adorable helpers and they work for such delish rewards hope to see you at mine soon and maybe you will follow me too xmaggiex

  24. I am impressed at how much you accomplished in only a few hours!
    Most handy MEN I know could not have pulled this off even in a weekend.

    You also need to add this to a What's on your Workdesk Wednesday link up. That is a group of appreciative creative people.

    Looking forward to seeing more. Yes - you do INSPIRE me!

  25. Super cool space. I have a craft room in the basement and your before pretty much looks like mine. :) Very inspiring.

  26. WOw thats a g=huge transformation! I am doing my sewing room right now also over at

  27. Great job and I'm so impressed you built those drawers yourself! And what a difference painting the workbench white makes! I think all wood should be painted white before being sold - it would save us all a lot of work! Off to check out more of your projects...

  28. White really makes that "craft"bench pop. I love the lil cabinet with all the stamps...

    Thanks for linking up to Creative Juice Thursday!

  29. WOW! What a wonderful transformation! Your place to creatively play looks so organized and pretty now. You should really be inspired. ;)

    Thanks so much for linking to the party. By the way, the images of your little ones are precious!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
