Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My kids craft area

I took my kids craft area from this:

To this:

My craft room basement was all over the place (see here and here)

And now it is at least a little more clean.  I want to build out a table and make it a little nicer. Make it look special for them - they love their crafting.

This container is filled with Playdoh on the top, random stuff in the middle, and all the painting supplies in the bottom drawer. 

This table was left in our house when we bought it. I still need to find place for the stuff on the top.  That is wood stuff and ceramic's to be painted. 

I got this desk for like $8 at a thrift store.  I love Amvets!  That place rocks!  There are markers on top, paper on the side and then coloring books on the other side. 

The top drawers have markers, crayons and color pencils.  Love myself some organization.
Bottom has random paper cut outs, finished art, paper, ect. 

I made this for my younger daughter.  Still need to make it for the older one. I took a piece of drywall, some fabric - vinyl letters cut with my cricut. Then I took paint, and when it was wet - covered it with glitter.  I outlined it with glue and added more glitter. 

Close up of the writing container. 

Overall - I am happy for now.  It has a ways to go - but the girls love going down there and doing crafts with mommy - what's better than that!

And - side note - this evening was great.  I was sewing and my oldest was down there (4.5 year old). She was so excited to see me do it.  She wanted to learn.  Mommy - how do I learn to do that.  Did you learn that it school!  I laughed and said - yeah - I did.  Her eyes got wide as she is getting ready to go to kindergarten, knowing school might mean learning to sew - it was SO CUTE.  I love my kids and their eagerness to be creative.


  1. That is so nice that you have this area for your kiddos!

  2. Want to come organize my classroom??

  3. Thanks for the inspiration..I am hoping to make a dent in my craft area tomorrow...

  4. Very clever. I need to clean out my daughter's craft items - but I'm not quite brave enough yet.

  5. Ahh, the feeling of a newly organized and clean space is heaven! Looks like you really get crafty with your kids, that's so awesome!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
