Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chocolate Covered Pretzel Tutorial

Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Who doesn't love anything covered in chocolate.  I have been looking for favor idea's for my cousins bridal shower.  I wanted something "practical" if you will.  And like I said - who doesn't love stuff dipped in chocolate.

First get everything you need.  I used Pretzel Bags - found them at Joann's - they were only a couple of dollars.
Pretzels - try not to go cheap on them.  Buy more than you need - because they will break!

I counted out my pretzels and put them in a bowl so I didn't have to keep digging in the bag.

And Chocolate - duh!

Wax paper, Parchment paper, freezer paper.

So - set up a "double boiler". Fill in the bottom pan with water - put your other pan on top - and dump your chocolate in.

And keep stirring until it's melted.

Next pour yourself a glass of beer.  Ok - just kidding - but - if it helps! You will need a nice tall glass of some kind.

See - you need it to pour the chocolate in!

So you can dip the pretzel in!  It will give it some nice coverage without a lot of work!

Then lay it on the wax paper to dry.

So do them all and let them dry.  I learned at the last batch - if you "twist" them as you take them out of the cup at the lip part of it - it creates a really cool look on the pretzel - and saves you some chocolate!

Then get another color - put them in a little container - and do about :30 sec bursts in the microwave until melted.

 Put the melted chocolate in a ziploc bag.


Then clip one of the corners.

Drizzle it along all the pretzels - don't they look pretty!

You can see the top layer all lays together across all the pretzels.

Break them apart.

And then just clean up the edges - the chocolate breaks right off.

I put two in each little bag - a white chocolate with pink, and milk chocolate with blue.  The bags came with twist ties included.

All packaged and in a box ready for the shower on Saturday!

Linking to these parties!

1 comment:

  1. I love these!! They're so great for every occasion! Using a tall glass to dip the pretzels in is genius! I would be rolling them around in the pan and making a huge mess. Thanks for sharing!!
