Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Library

Since I started my photography - I was trying to capture the perfect photo - missing the everyday photo.  I did a "Days are long, Years are short" post the other day - and here is another.

I took the girls to the library - I let them play/read/play on the computer and I just lurked and took pictures (probably too many - good thing for digital!)

Hayden got the first chance on the computer....

While Brianna got to pick her "4" books.  I told them only 4 because we are leaving for vacation and didn't want a huge pile.

She got her stack of books and tried to narrow it down - so she started to flip through each one.

Making decisions is hard....

She is narrowing it down.....

Counting them again.....

She get's so serious....

Time to change - Hay's turn to get some books...this is always fun.

Brianna get's to work.

This one will work....

I don't know mom - what do you think of this one....

Let's take a closer look.....

This one?

Time to start counting.

I love this one with the brick as a partial frame.

But - I need more.....

I don't know what it is about kids feet.....

I love this angle.

I love this one too - it's telling - the bag by her feet - torso down, dress partially up - love it.

This makes me smile - she looks so small in such a big space.

Time for Hay to start narrowing the books down...didn't go so well.

But I like them all!

How can I tell a little girl no - they can't get more than 4 books....need less to say we ended with a lot more than 4 books a piece :)

We love our local library.  And with my fantastic memory and returning books "on time" they get a lot of money from me in support :)

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