Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Small Wonders

We went to my Grandma's property last weekend.  It is surreal there - peaceful - tranquil - a chance for us to just be!  No cell phones, no TV, no internet...Just the 5 of us.  I am going through and editing some pictures now - this was one of my first ones - I love it. This is where I spent my youth - and seeing this picture just makes me smile and wish for a simpler life for my children.

1/250, f/13, ISO 500
Recipe: Florabella LuxeII Timeless, Texture: Angelfood

And - I love this one too - makes you yearn for a simpler time - doesn't it!
1/500, f/5.6, ISO 250

Can't wait to get to the rest! 


  1. Such charming pics!

    Susan and Bentley

  2. It's so funny, I was just thinking the other day how your mom used to pack us up and we would ride our bikes down there. As we were driving there I was thinking how in the world did she do that?! She is a brave brave lady for sure!
