Friday, October 14, 2011

Shutter Speed - freeze action

A friend is going having a birthday party at a gymnastic place and was asking about a good shutter speed to get a good stop motion.  I just happen to be at a birthday party at the beginning of this month - and here are some good speeds to get a stop motion in not the best of lighting.  I didn't use a flash.  Now - I am not an expert by any means - but I think these work.

Jumping on a trampoline:
1/250 sec at f/2.5 ISO 2000

1/250 sec at f/2.5 ISO 2000

Swinging on the zip line:
1/320 sec at f/3.2 ISO 2500 (a little fuzzo - should have been better exposed)

Jumping off a balance beam
1/250 sec at f /1.8 ISO 2500

Going down a bounce slide - super dark in there!
1/320 sec at f /4.5 ISO 2500

All of these were processed in Light Room and the exposure was tweaked and so was the contrast and clarity.

Then if you go outside - it brings a whole other game - I did this amazing Senior shoot - and look at the change in the settings.

1/1250 sec at f /3.5 ISO 250

1/800 sec at f /3.2 ISO 500

1/3200 sec at f /2.8 ISO 160

Look at how I was able to increase the shutter speed by a lot with the available natural light - I could increase the shutter speed because my ISO's were so much lower.  Difference between buildings and outside.  


  1. Wow...thanks for this. I'm going to practice this weekend!

  2. Great post! I absolutely love your senior shots!

  3. Thanks, Carrie!! Going to try it out today. You're the best!

  4. Great post....I need to try this at my daughters gym!

  5. Great examples! I will be photographing my son's birthday party in a couple weeks at an indoor play area, so this info will come in very handy! Thanks!
