Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 10 - Mischief

I am thankful today for mischief :) yeah - it sounds funny.  But curiosity is a beautiful thing.  Sometimes I wonder when that desire to seek out new things ends.  When you stop being curious and settle into the mundane of everyday.  Where that sparkle of finding something new subsides....

So for today - I am thankful that my little man is mischievous, and continues to discover something new everyday.  Even if it is only what cereal is behind the cupboard doors today:


  1. Love it, this is look my little guy has when he gets busted too.

  2. This post made me laugh out loud. I used to climb on counters when I was little (mom always hid the cookies on the top shelf). One day I slipped off and wound up knocking myself out cold! True story - lol!

  3. This post made me laugh out loud. I used to climb on counters when I was little (mom always hid the cookies on the top shelf). One day I slipped off and wound up knocking myself out cold! True story - lol!
