Monday, December 19, 2011

Project 365 Day 1-7

Well - I am 37 days into project 365 - where I take a picture a day.  It has been fun - and I haven't missed a day.  I am trying to figure out what I want my blog to be - and it's turning more personal - and more photography related - so I am going to go with it :)

Day 1 - Trip to the park

Day 2 - Wood work - closets in the making!

Day 3 - Jasmine Star - adore her!

Day 4 - Captivated by TV

Day 5 - Craft time

Day 6 - Splish Splash

Day 7 - Counting M&M's


  1. Awesome shots, I absolutely love the bath shot with the splashing water, great capture!!!!
