Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

This one is for my good friend Carrie - she informed me that there is about 100 days till Christmas and she wants to be able to take some tree pictures.

So I looked back through my December 2011 pics and thought I would share some of the exposures.  I have learned a lot since then, they are far from perfect - but - they work for me.  The biggest recommendation I have is to practice!!!

This one was my first attempt in November 2011.  It was hand held so a bit shaky, focused on the tree  vs. Mikey.  I tried to expose to the right of the tree I think.
1/25 sec at f/1.8, ISO 640

A tad bit underexposed - but - hey - I like it!
1/100 Sec @ f.2.2, ISO 6400

1/100 sec at f/2.2, ISO 4000

1/80 sec at f/2.2, ISO 4000

Because my aperture was at 2.2 there was no bursts in the lights.
 1/80 sec at f/2.2, ISO 4000

Brianna - exposed off her face: 
1/80 sec at f/2.2, ISO 4000

Hay hanging ornaments. Exposed off her face. 
1/100 sec at f/2.0, ISO 4000

The higher the aperture the more the burst: 10.0 sec at f/22, ISO 320

0.5 sec at f/22, ISO 3200

Playing - I have lots to learn on outdoor: 10.0 sec at f/22, ISO 1000.  The shutter speed was super slow to make up for the higher aperture to try and get some sparkle. 

Christmas Morning: 1/100 sec at f/2.2, ISO 6400

And this one is for you Carrie!!!  An old image - but relevant for tonight!!

1/4 sec @ f/2.0 ISO 100 - I was going for a lower ISO for a crisper image - and took this on the tripod.

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