Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pan Fried Pierogies

MMMM….Pierogies…Now – my grandmother was Polish. I here people say “Perogies” and I have to correct them – they are “pyadoggies”. I guess either way you say it – they sure are good – aren’t they.

Now – the best kind I have ever were my grandma’s homemade cheese ones smothered in butter, (no sauerkraut for me, please) . But – these are good too. I used to have them just boiled, but – never again, not since I went the route of cooking onions and pan frying them as well.

OK – First – get your handy dandy box of Pierogies.

Boil them per the directions on the package.

While they are boiling, get your onion.

Cut it.

Melt some butter

Fry up those onions till they are golden.

I then put mine in a separate dish. We tend to fight over who gets the most onions – so if you keep them separate – you can divide evenly.

Then put your pasta in the same dish. I always add more butter, spray or EVOO – what ever you want.

I am OCD like this – I have them all the same side down, so when I go to flip them, I know which one I have done, and what I haven’t…yes I know – you can tell by the color – but it just works for me.

Don’t they look good!!!!
Put on a plate, top with your onions, and you are good to go.


  1. YUMMY this was my lunch today! Sour cream is good with them too!!!

  2. Looks yummy. If you ever want to take a field trip go to the Broadway Market and get them from Camilla's and some fresh Polish sausage. Seriously unbelievable periogies!

  3. That's what we have on Easter, my mom goes every year and we have fresh "Polish" foods - seriously yummy!

  4. yum....a polish meal is in order! Have you ever made them from scratch? I have seriously considered trying that. Just recently made home made potato gnocchi, so how hard can pierogies be?
    Kelly Lauta

  5. Yummy! My husband is Polish and my absolute favorite meal of the year is Christmas Eve when we have pierogies with Long John Silver Fish for dinner with his family. They make nalesniki too and it's delicious! Your pictures are making my mouth water, ha ha!
