Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wedding Center Piece Ideas

My cousin as I said before is having a wedding. The candy bar that I posted here was for the same wedding. So I am looking for centerpiece options that we can make ourself, and do it for not a lot of money. You have suggestions that you have seen - or that you made - send them my way! I'll post and give credit! Let me know!!!! It's an outdoor wedding this coming summer.

Decorating Studio Look at these - looks like can's covered in glitter.

How cute and simple is this one! Intimate Wedding

I am not a simple carnation girl - but look how cute this is made! Over at LW Design

Wedding Obsession has this super cute "Green" idea.

The Wedding Contessa What a great idea - and you could scour thrift stores for different types of candle sticks - and if you wanted - spray them all a similar colors - and the same color candle sticks! CUTE!

At Starting out Savvy - how cute is this - what a great idea - the table number, flowers and a bottle of wine!

Ok - the bottom left one is perfect! Check it out over at "Hostest with the Mostest"

Do it yourself Wedding


  1. They are all so beautiful!!! It's so hard to choose one!! There are a lot of great ideas and not just for weddings !!!
    thanks for sharing!!

  2. Very pretty pictures!

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