Friday, February 11, 2011

Grilled Chicken the winter

Yummy - Chicken Wings!!!!

I need to find where I found these.  It had BBQ sauce, and lots of other stuff :)  I'll find it and I'll post it.  But - I cooked them for 20 minutes in the oven at 350 - I think it helps seal in the juices.  Then I stuck it in the crockpot for 3-4 hours on high.  They looked like this - they look good - right....But wait...There's more....

Ahhh - then my wonderful panini maker came out - and I grilled them up on the press - and it made them that much better!!!!!  Don't they look good!!  They were - a little blue cheese, and celery...perfect for my Super Bowl party!  Check out my party decor here and my desserts here.

1 comment:

  1. yummy! they look awesome! (whispers...) "happy dance"
