Sunday, April 24, 2011

Caddy Time!

I don't know when I first stumbled upon Ana-White - but I can't stop looking at her site - and I have turned into a build-a-holic.  I first saw her plan for her toolbox here.  You have to check out what That's My Letter's caddy here, she pushed me over the edge to just get my butt in gear and make these for Easter.

And - while I am giving prop's for some awesome sites - you can't leave out Knock Off Decor.  Pottery Barn has these caddy's for $89 a piece!!!!  Can I tell you how much I spent on 7 of them!!!  I made all of them for $2.00 total - for the dowels, the rest were done by using scraps!

So I got building.  I wanted to use my scraps left over from my basement build.  I used the scraps I could, and tried to cut out as little as I could.  The table saw scares the crap out of me - yup - I said it!!!  So - I improvised as much as I could. 

When I cut out the sides - because I am not - well - handy at the jig saw yet - I clamped and cut at least two at a time - and those were the matching ends.  I measured my dowel - and cut the sides to be the same.

Then I build the caddy's.  I took the front piece, glued the sides and shot them with 1" brads.  Then added the other side.  Lastly I put the dowel.  After they were all build - I traced one at a time then cut with the jig the bottoms, and nailed them down.

Then it was time to prime.  Originally I primed outside - note to self:
Just a suggestion!  I had my 4 year old help bring all the caddy's out - started using a spray primer - didn't go so well - so we moved back into the garage - and used a non spray paint form of primer.

Worked much better - and not to mention it was a little thicker to go on that raw wood - and I used so many different types of wood that it kept it more uniform.

Then on to the paint.  I used three colors, all Kyrlon paints.  I didn't want a gloss - but that is all I could find.  I kind of like the warn look - I could have put multiple layers of paint on - I ended up with two coats of each.  I like it.  This is the Green.

A bubble gum pink. 

And a purple. 

Here are the three colors up next to each other. 

Now just for a lot of pictures - I couldn't stop taking pictures of them - the looked so adorable!!!!  Three are for my kids, and then the others for our nieces and my nephew.  (Don't worry Baby Hailey I'll make yours next - we'll bring when we come to visit this summer!

Here they are all lined up and ready to go on Easter afternoon!

And here are my kids using them this afternoon.  Hay had such a blast!!!!  She was overjoyed all day - it was adorable!!!! 

I love this shot!

My oldest - she was so excited to sit and open each one.

My little man was so funny - he found about 3 eggs - but when all the other kids were sitting at the blanket opening their egg's he wandered around and just stole them out of their baskets.

So - he figured let the others do the work - and he'd sweep in at the end. 

Final shot of the caddy's at the end of the day - they worked great.  They were nice gifts, and great baskets.  I was happy!!!!

This week I'll post how I did the names.  I used my cricut and vinyl.

Linking up to these parties:


  1. What a great idea. They look so handy.


  2. I love these! I got one from my grandmother when I was a little girl and still have it! As a teenager it held my nail polish supplies, I used it alot. Might have to make some for my nieces :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Those are so cute!

  4. These are awesome! I'm so not that crafty when it comes to building things. I wish I was because I would totally make these!

  5. Absolutely Love those, you did a fantastic job. I am going to try to make one!

  6. Cute! Love the bright colors and how big these are!

  7. These are really cute, I stumbled upon Ana White 6 months ago and it is a little addicting.

  8. What a great idea!!! I too love the bright colors.

    I would LOVE to have you stop by and share this at my For the Kids Link Party! Stop on by!

  9. These are just beyond fabulous! These could be used for a thousand different things! Pottery Barn, schmartery barn...yours look every bit as good as theirs, and seriously the little amount you spent on them..makes them WAY better than theirs! The photos of your children running around with the caddys could be in a magazine..seriously! Thank you so much for sharing these with us at Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence!


  10. These are adorable. It makes me regret my last "pass by" at the thrift store. It was a plaing wooden toolbox that looked like these. I thought it would make a cool project, but wasn't sure what exactly I passed it by. Now I wish I hadn't. This gave me so much inspiration :)

  11. Those sure make great gifts! {and beat the regular gift bags or baskets any day}

    Thanks for linking to Creative Juice. Hope to see you back again this week...

  12. These are sweet as ever! Wanted to let you know that I featured you today at my Delightfully Inspiring Thursday Party. Come over and grab a button, if you'd like.

