Monday, April 25, 2011

Pet Entry over at I Heart Faces

This weeks challenge over at I Heart Faces is Pets.

We have about as many pictures of our dog's as we do our kids!!!!  It was hard to pick.  But - I had to go with this one.  This is our Golden Kain.  We lost him around Thanksgiving of 2010.  It was a hard thing to go through for us - and the kids.  This is one of my favorites of him and my little man.  Kain wanted that ball so bad - but he was such a gentle doggie, he just sat there and watched him with it - waiting for him to put it down so he could claim it as his own again.

Here are some more - just because they are in that same series - and so cute!  Look at that intense look on Kain's face - his eyes never leave that ball!


  1. My mother's sweet Border Collie was exactly the same with with my children and BALLS! Oh the love of balls! We lost her this past fall. hugs!

  2. I so love everything about Labs and Goldens!!!

  3. He is beautiful! And I am so sorry for the loss of such a lovely companion.

    We have a Retriever/Samoyed and he too, is very gentle.

  4. Beautiful moment - I am sorry Kain left you. It's so not fair that we are given them for such a short time - they love us so unconditionally.

    Kain had such a beautiful puppy face!

  5. What great memories of such a wonderful, gentle friend! Fantastic pictures!

  6. Ah, love this. What a precious capture! Great job!

  7. awwww so sweet.. love the processing in the third one

  8. So sweet, Goldens are the best! :D Great shot!

  9. Oh my gosh, what a wonderfully adorable picture!!

  10. such a sweet shot...boy and his dog. perfect
