Sunday, July 8, 2012

I built my kids a house!

I built my kids a house...ok, a playhouse - but - they'll love it all the same!

What boggles my mind, is that I can take a stack of lumber, and turn it into something amazing!

Everything I did, I did by using the amazing Ana-White plans. 

I started on Tuesday by framing it.

It's starting to look like a house.

Then we went on to the deck on the Wednesday.

Made sure it was square and straight secure.

One thing I learned through the process was to check for square! It says it in all the plans, and I never do. Let me tell you - it's important :) I was off by 4 inches - let's just say if I didn't check - I don't think my house would have went together in the end!

On Thursday I took a little break to soak up the kiddo's on my vacation - we did a little reading where the house would go.  Friday and Saturday I painted and painted some more. Oh - and on Friday I decided to build the picnic table and chairs too!

And today it all got assembled. My first pass at roofing too!

Here is the picnic table.

The two gable walls.

The three (I build 4) chairs, each kid got to pick out their own fabric. I made pillows to match too.

The front side:

For the shutters I took some leftover wainscoting and 1x2's and made 6 quick shutters.  For the front door, I took the door cutout from the front of the house and trimmed it out with some 1x3's.

I think the three of them will like it!

It was a lot of work - but it makes me so crazy excited to finish something like this, and watch my kids grow with it and play with it!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing project to do for your kids, They are going to have so many memories of you building this special little place for the. It is adorable and I love the chairs you made for them too.
