Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bins for the Mudroom

I just realized now that I didn't post pictures of the mudroom we did.  So here it is - with the bins I made.

It started as a pantry with doors - and it drove me crazy!!!  So the doors came down and everything on the inside was built.

It has been done for a while, but wasn't finished.  So I made the bins and added a shelf to add more shoes on the bottom.

Before it was just a big huge square and the shoes were always all over the place.  Now there is a shelf to help organize them!

Then the bins - there is 5 in total.  I got the idea from the amazing Jamie at That's My Letter with this plan.

I think I am going to monogram them with everyones initials.

I painted them the same color as our front entry to bring the two rooms together.

I am happy that it is done. Well almost - a little trim to replace. But - we are

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