Monday, February 28, 2011

I heart Faces - anything but a face

This week's challenge over at I Heart Faces is anything but a face.  Here is mine - these are my girls running - there is something so innocent about it.

Go check out some of the other amazing submissions!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Picture Link up over at This Mama Rocks

Over at This Mama Rocks she is having a photo link up - and for those that know me - know I LOVE LOVE LOVE pictures.  So here is the one I am linking up, and a few others from that day sledding over near grandma and grandpa's house.

This one I used The Pinoneer Woman's awesome free actions.  I used a few of them - it turned out vintage -which is what I was going for.

Can he be any cuter!

Love this one too - the way you can see our new dog in the back - classic!

Chocolate Stuffed French Toast

Do you like Chocolate?  This was kind of my kids creation too!  Chocolate Stuffed French Toast.  Yummy.  Well - 2 of the 5 of us ended up liking it.

First I took a block of cream cheese and softened it.
 Then I added some powdered sugar and Vanilla - how much - ummmm - how much does it look like...I'd say about 2 tsp of Vanilla and 1/4 cup of powdered sugar.
 Then I added some cocoa powder.  I'd say a little less than 1/4 of a cup.
 Beat it up - look at that chocolaty goodness!
 Then - in a separate bowl - beat an egg.
 Add some cream - I don't know measurement - I hope "some" is good enough.
 Sprinkle some Cinnamon (can you tell I don't measure)
 Get your stack of bread, we use a lot.
 Dip one side in the egg mixture (not both)
 I did this two different ways - I put it on the panini maker - yes - again with my panini maker. 
 Then spread the mixture on it.  (I also put the mixture on before I put it on the maker - that worked a little better).
 Per my oldest direction - she wanted chocolate chips in the center too - who am I to argue with that!
 Put the other side on - 1/2 dipped in the egg mixture - with the egg mixture hitting the hot parts of the panini press.  If you notice - I used the regular skillet side - not the panini press side - I didn't want the lines on it - and it worked pretty good.
 Here they are all lined up.

 Then I closed the press - this way I don't have to worry about flipping them.
 Put a little chocolate syrup on it - with a little whip cream (again my daughters suggestion) and you are ready to dig in!

 My middle child wanted sprinkles - so she got sprinkles.

 I am not a big whip cream person - so I just used regular syrup.  It worked for me.
 My little man was one of the ones that liked it.  I think he liked the mess it caused!
 Then my oldest decided to help clean him up - she actually did a pretty good job!
 It was super super super chocolatly!  With that being said - it seems to be more of an adult taste with the cream cheese.  My husband doesn't like cream cheese - so he didn't like it too much.  And even though it was oozing with chocolate - I think it was a little to sophisticaed for my girls.  We ended up making plain french toast for them.  I did however like it - it was REALLy rich.  I mean rich!!!  A nice tall glass of milk - and this ooey gooey chocolatey meal - would go perfect!

Linking to these parties:

Friday, February 25, 2011

The aftermath....

Meet my wonderful Son - doesn't he look so smart with my phone!

Well - what he did after the shower was not smart - he wanted those desserts in the worst way - why wouldn't he!  (If you didn't see the awesome dessert table - check it out here).

This is what happened....He tried to grab.....pulled the runner...and uh oh

Here is the aftermath of my tiered plates - this is what they looked like before.

...a broken tiered dish and a bump on the head.  Good news though - I didn't have to sacrafice all those calories - because I do hate to throw away perfectly good dessert - but - after it is on the floor - I am ok with it in the trash.  So maybe I should thank him.....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby Shower - Part 5 and Final - DESSERTS!!!

AHHH - Last but NOT least!!!  Dessert!!!!!  Isn't it glorious!  
Let's take a second to just - admire that yumminess.

 I made a banner on the mirror that says "Baby Shower".  Again - my Cricut - and I used...I forgot - I need to get better with remembering these things.
 I think I have pictures of the diaper cake being built - I'll put that in an upcoming post.
 Let's take a closer look.  This little thing cost me about $2.  I took a vase from the $1 store.  Spray painted it, and then took a foam ball from the $1 store - some felt I had, cut it in circles, and pined them on with straight pins - why you ask did I pin them - I was tired of burning my fingers with a glue gun :)
 HEHE - aren't these cute - I had candles in these in my living room.  And from looking at really cool candy buffets!  And thought - OH - I can put candy in these!  So I did - and it looked cute!
 My diaper cake - stay tuned for a tutorial on this.  Any guesses to how many diapers?!?!
 Cake pops!!!!  I used the brownie pop container for my cake pops - I have a picture at the bottom.  I dunked them in white chocolate, and then in chocolate, and covered the chocolate with sprinkles.  I put them in a mason jar with $1 store confetti.

 My other cake stand - remember from the Super Bowl Party and my tiered cake stands posts?  This time with yummy yummy desserts.  There is chocolate covered marshmallows (just the tips!) and then pretzels.

And lastly - it was time consuming - but SO CUTE!!! Cake pop - Baby blocks!!!!  I shaped them into squares.  You will notice that I was using tooth picks to dunk my blocks in chocolate - I am here to tell you it does NOT work - don't waste the tooth picks!  I ended up with a fork and spoon instead :(

Here is how it turned out - I trimmed them with frosting - and it says Dan and Tina Baby Girl.  I wish the picture was better - but - they were good - strawberry!

Here are my cake pops in the brownie pop container.

 And - here is my big FAIL!!! :)  I wanted to make shaped cake pops.  I stuck them in chocolate molds.  That actually worked - word of advice again - use a cooking spray first - they come out MUCH easier!!!

So - I wanted to try something different - I used them with suckers - that worked fine too.

Ready for my fail - I took melted frosting - because when you heat it up - it becomes more liquidy.  So - I heated it up - dunked them all in (which they stayed on there sticks! 

I go to take them out of the fridge - hoping for a hardened cake pop on a stick - guess what folks - frosting does not harden :( they were sticky - I was so sad - because they would have been adorable!  Ug!  Adorable - had they been dipped in chocolate.  Sigh - lesson learned - and hopefully you won't make my mistake!

 But - I can't leave on a fail note!  So let's take one more look at that yummy dessert table!