Friday, April 29, 2011

Creamy Cheesy Tortellini

So I came home from work and thought - ok - time for another boring meal when I just throw some pasta in a pot, sauce right out of the jar straight onto the pasta - and put it on the table.  Sigh - such is the life of a full time working mom with three little ones...right....Cause why lie - typically that is all the food I have in my house. (If I have that)

So as I was going into the freezer - to grab my frozen tortellini, I found some frozen soup.  Sara and Kate over at Our Best Bites have the most amazing Creamy Tomato Soup!  I made if for my SIL baby shower, had left overs so I froze it.  So my brain got spinning - and I am so glad I found it!!!!  The meal was SO yummy!

Creamy Cheesy Tortellini
Package of Frozen Tortellini
1 1/2 cups of Creamy Tomato Soup
1/2 Onion
1 TBS Garlic
1 can mushrooms (I would have used fresh - didn't have any - go figure)
Approx 3 TBS Goat Cheese
Approx 3 TBS Feta Cheese
Approx 3 TBS Parmesan Cheese
Approx 3 TBS Romano Cheese

Cook Tortellini according to direction.
While pasta is cooking, saute your onion and garlic in either olive oil or butter.
Once slightly browned, add mushrooms or other veggies of choice
Drain pasta
Add pasta to pan with veggies
Add creamy tomato soup (if frozen - thaw first)
Add a handful of goat cheese
Handful of feta
Add Parmesan and Romano cheese as desired

Seriously good to the last bite!

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