Friday, July 15, 2011

Days are long, Years are short

I saw a great article over at I Heart Faces, called "It's worthy of a click" by Irina Hubbar.  It was all about capturing the everyday moments.  

As I venture and build on my photography passion I am always trying to create that picture perfect image - the one that is on all those fabulous photographers websites.  So today Irina's words rang in my ears....I wanted to capture today - capture what my kids are like.  I have heard the saying lately "The days are long, but the years are fast", and that seems to be so true.  

So this is my documentation of today.  The pictures are SOOC (Straight out of camera), no edits, more than likely not technically correct.  But - I love these.

Lazy days of summers - long busy days - crash in front of tv.

Can't sleep too long - the pools calling our name.  Like bath water.
 Hay is so cute - she wanted to get her camera - just like mommy!

Reviewing her pictures. of life.

I have to say - these are some of my most favorite yet.  There is just something about the lighting, the moment, how it all rolls up into how I want to remember these days.

 I will probably be yelled at for this one day by my daughter, but it's real, it's raw, it's how our life unfolds at this moment in time.

 It's so Mikey!  Nothing like a little boy and his cars.

Love the curious look on his face - very quizzical.  The way he looks at everything.

My hayhay is such a little ballerina - I never want to forget her running around on her toes.

This one just makes me smile.  Looks like a real car :)

Real life - Mikeys room with nothing in it because he terrorizes it. Watching him play with cars, being a boy.

This is one of my favorites from tonight. You can see me in that dirty filthy mirror, Mikey playing with the cars, and my oldest all dressed up with a purse.  Life!

Nothing like a little boy and his cars.

Seek out those amazing photo opportunities - push yourself to become better - but don't forget to capture those everyday moments! It pushed me today - and I will have these memories forever.

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