Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wine Tour

My cousin is getting married this weekend - so on Saturday we had her Bachelorette party.  I took a crazy amount of pictures - did I mention crazy amount.  I edited 140!  So - if you figure 140 made the cut - that goes to show how many I probably took.

I figure if I want to pursue photography - I need to practice - right!  I really like the photo journalism approach.  So - this is my capture from this weekend.  There were a ton of awesome ones - but I didn't know how the girls would feel with them on here - so I tried to keep it to the group shots and details.

This was our first stop - I like this shot - with the girls all in a line - and the wine country sign. Simple...Elegant... 

Nothing says wine like this shot!

Some award winning wines!

I would love this display in my basement.  Pretty!

This bottle didn't stand a chance - was downed before we made it back into the limo!

We did group shots in front of each winery, I love the shots before the posed ones, very candid. 

This makes me laugh!  Who needs to go to a liquor store on a wine tour.....these ladies!

Love this - very documentary like.

What soon to be bride doesn't need a "Voodoo Groom"

Love the wine pouring shots!

This is a haunted house - it was on Ghost Hunters!  We are hearing the story here.

The soon to be bride and her family.

I loved the details on the tour.  Since picking up photography I am seeing everything very differently.  I want to capture the everyday details.

I couldn't resist these - they just make me smile :)

Not perfect with the blur and a little over exposed - but fun none the less!

On to one of the last stops!

Yes - there were chickens.  This is the same spot that we went strawberry picking!

The girls getting some wine.


Loved the last stop - didn't just have wine - they had beer too!!!!

Beer sampler.....yummy!

It took a lot to narrow these down to put in a post.  One thing I am challenging myself to do is to take note of the everyday details that I want to remember.  For example - on this tour - the bottles of wine, the pouring of the wine, the beauties is in the details.  Challenge yourself to not just look at the obvious photo opportunities - but the not so obvious.

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